Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Of Coughs


A cough is a natural way for the body to remove phlegm. It should not be suppressed with cough medications which are good at suppressing but not healing.  Resting and drinking plenty of non- alcoholic fluids is helpful in loosening the congestion and shortening the duration of the cough.   

As you will see by the following remedy cough descriptions there
are coughs, and there are coughs.  The modalities are the key to finding the right remedy.  Modalities are the circumstances and conditions that affect or modify a symptom, of which the conditions of aggravation and amelioration are the most important.

Below is a short list of remedies helpful in relieving the discomfort of coughs.

Dry, barking or spasmodic cough.  Cough is triggered after least exposure to air or wind. Comes on suddenly, aggravated by a tickle sensation the throat sensation. Often worse in the evening or at night.  Better for lying on the back.

Antimonium Tartaricum
Cough sounds wet and loose. Rattling of mucous heard in the chest, with difficulty in bringing up the mucus.  Worse after warm drinks, after eating, after midnight and on lying down.

Dry, tickling, teasing cough; sensation as if from dust in the throat. Spasmodic cough worse at night.  Worse just after lying down, feels better to sit propped up in bed.

Hard dry coughing hurts chest, need to hold chest to ease the discomfort. Cough may  lead to gagging and vomiting. Cold drinks eases congestion.  Worse from talking, eating, drinking or speaking.

Constantly clearing throat. Cannot cough deep enough to bring up the mucous. Drinking cold water relieves the cough.

Coccus Cacti
Suffocative, producing tough, ropey, white mucus.  Cough can end with retching or vomiting of tough mucus.  Violent spasms of violent, tickling, racking cough.  Sounds like sawing through wood.  Sensation as if  a crumb or hair in throat.  Brushing teeth = cough.  (Smiling while brushing teeth will often eliminate the gag reflex)

Spasmodic cough ending in gagging, retching and vomiting. Prolonged episodes  of choking cough. Worse in the evening and early morning hours.

Hepar Sulph
Cough after the slightest exposure to cold air or a draft. Need to be bundled up and cannot bear to be uncovered.  Better for damp air or warmth.

Kali Bichromicum
Cough with a brassy sound. Tough stringy mucous, post nasal drip that hangs down the throat.  Profuse yellow expectoration.

Cough often after a head cold has gone to the chest. Heavy feeling on the chest. Tickling low in the trachea leads to bouts of coughing. Worse from going from a warm room into cold air. Cough aggravated by breathing cold air Desires fruit, juices cold liquids. Worse lying on the left side.  Worse before a thunderstorm or from strong odors.

Dry cough at night, worse lying down and better sitting propped up by a number of pillows. Loose cough during the day with yellowish or green expectoration.  Better in cool air, worse in stuffy room.  Loss of sense of smell.

Rumex Crispis
                  Dry continuous or violent cough caused by a tickle in the throat. Cough ceases when  
                  the head is covered by the blankets.  Least exposure to air or wind will trigger the    
                  cough.  Phosphorus and Spongia, have cough aggravated by breathing cold air, but
                  none so markedly as Rumex.

Spongia Tosta
Cough is very dry and tight.  Worse in dry cold weather. The respiration sounds like a saw cutting through a dry pine board.  Better for eating or drinking warm things, worse from deep breathing,  Worse lying flat, needs head raised.  Worse talking.  There is great hoarseness

© Lynn Cremona 2012, all rights reserved.

The information on this Web site is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care.

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