Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Of Coughs


A cough is a natural way for the body to remove phlegm. It should not be suppressed with cough medications which are good at suppressing but not healing.  Resting and drinking plenty of non- alcoholic fluids is helpful in loosening the congestion and shortening the duration of the cough.   

As you will see by the following remedy cough descriptions there
are coughs, and there are coughs.  The modalities are the key to finding the right remedy.  Modalities are the circumstances and conditions that affect or modify a symptom, of which the conditions of aggravation and amelioration are the most important.

Below is a short list of remedies helpful in relieving the discomfort of coughs.

Dry, barking or spasmodic cough.  Cough is triggered after least exposure to air or wind. Comes on suddenly, aggravated by a tickle sensation the throat sensation. Often worse in the evening or at night.  Better for lying on the back.

Antimonium Tartaricum
Cough sounds wet and loose. Rattling of mucous heard in the chest, with difficulty in bringing up the mucus.  Worse after warm drinks, after eating, after midnight and on lying down.

Dry, tickling, teasing cough; sensation as if from dust in the throat. Spasmodic cough worse at night.  Worse just after lying down, feels better to sit propped up in bed.

Hard dry coughing hurts chest, need to hold chest to ease the discomfort. Cough may  lead to gagging and vomiting. Cold drinks eases congestion.  Worse from talking, eating, drinking or speaking.

Constantly clearing throat. Cannot cough deep enough to bring up the mucous. Drinking cold water relieves the cough.

Coccus Cacti
Suffocative, producing tough, ropey, white mucus.  Cough can end with retching or vomiting of tough mucus.  Violent spasms of violent, tickling, racking cough.  Sounds like sawing through wood.  Sensation as if  a crumb or hair in throat.  Brushing teeth = cough.  (Smiling while brushing teeth will often eliminate the gag reflex)

Spasmodic cough ending in gagging, retching and vomiting. Prolonged episodes  of choking cough. Worse in the evening and early morning hours.

Hepar Sulph
Cough after the slightest exposure to cold air or a draft. Need to be bundled up and cannot bear to be uncovered.  Better for damp air or warmth.

Kali Bichromicum
Cough with a brassy sound. Tough stringy mucous, post nasal drip that hangs down the throat.  Profuse yellow expectoration.

Cough often after a head cold has gone to the chest. Heavy feeling on the chest. Tickling low in the trachea leads to bouts of coughing. Worse from going from a warm room into cold air. Cough aggravated by breathing cold air Desires fruit, juices cold liquids. Worse lying on the left side.  Worse before a thunderstorm or from strong odors.

Dry cough at night, worse lying down and better sitting propped up by a number of pillows. Loose cough during the day with yellowish or green expectoration.  Better in cool air, worse in stuffy room.  Loss of sense of smell.

Rumex Crispis
                  Dry continuous or violent cough caused by a tickle in the throat. Cough ceases when  
                  the head is covered by the blankets.  Least exposure to air or wind will trigger the    
                  cough.  Phosphorus and Spongia, have cough aggravated by breathing cold air, but
                  none so markedly as Rumex.

Spongia Tosta
Cough is very dry and tight.  Worse in dry cold weather. The respiration sounds like a saw cutting through a dry pine board.  Better for eating or drinking warm things, worse from deep breathing,  Worse lying flat, needs head raised.  Worse talking.  There is great hoarseness

© Lynn Cremona 2012, all rights reserved.

The information on this Web site is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Surviving The Flu Season

Flu Season Suggestions
The main difference between the common cold and the flu (Influenza) is the severity of the symptoms. 

·        If you have a stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat and a hacking cough, you probably have a COLD

·        If you have a high fever, severe headache, muscle and body aches, extreme tiredness and a dry cough, you probably have the FLU.

Be Sure to have the following two remedies on hand:

*   Oscillococcinum
To be taken at the "first sign" of Flu symptoms. 
Oscillococcinum can be purchased at your local health food store.
Buy the box with 5-6 tubes in the box. 
Keep one tube at home, one tube in your purse, one tube at the office etc.
The instructions on the box instruct to take the whole tube as a dose, however it is only necessary to take 1-3 pills as a dose

If you are exposed to people who have the Flu
Take 3 pills dry of

*   Influenzinum 200c  which can be purchased from many Homeopathic pharmacies worldwide  

     In the USA I suggest:

Natural Health Supply, 6410 Avenida Christina, Santa Fe, NM 87507 USA
Toll Free: (888) 689-1608, Local: (505) 474-9175
Order Influenzinum 200c               

Tips to prevent catching a cold or flu
As there are no cures for the cold or the Flu, the key to avoid catching a cold or flu is prevention. 

There are several measures you can take to minimize your exposure to the viruses responsible for colds and flus, including behavioral, environmental and pharmacological strategies.

Limit exposure

1. Wash your hands
Maintaining strict hygiene is vitally important during the cold and flu season. Colds and flus can be spread via aerosol droplets created by coughing and sneezing, and by touching surfaces that infected individuals may have been in contact with. The virus most frequently enters your body when you touch your nose, mouth or eyes with infected hands. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.

 It is best to make a habit of washing hands for at least 10-15 seconds in warm soapy water, especially after coughing or sneezing and before eating. 

Teach children to wash their hands as well. if you do not have access to water, you can use an alcohol-based disinfectant hand gel with at least 60% alcohol content. 

2. Avoid crowds and sick people
Sometimes it is difficult to avoid sick people, as people who are infectious may not have any symptoms in the early stages of their illness. Try to avoid people who you know have a cold or flu, and stay away from crowded areas during flu season to reduce your chance of infection. This is particularly important for infants in the first few months of life.

3. Disinfect surfaces
 Keep household surfaces clean (e.g. door knobs, switches and telephones) as they can harbor viruses for several hours. Wipe and disinfect these surfaces regularly. Also use separate towels or paper towels in kitchens and bathrooms for infected individuals. Throw tissues out immediately after use as they can spread the virus to surfaces.

Practice Healthy Habits
If you are healthy, your immune system is stronger and better able to fight infection. You can enhance your body’s natural resistance mechanisms by eating well, remaining physically active despite the cold weather, and getting enough sleep.

1. Eat and sleep well
Eating a balanced diet provides your body with the nutrients and vitamins it needs to help the immune system fight infection. Eat foods containing phytochemicals such as dark green, red and yellow fruit and vegetables. Eating yogurt daily can reduce your chances of catching a cold by 25%.

Getting plenty of sleep also helps boost the functioning of your immune system.

2. Reduce stress
People who are under stress tend to have weakened immune systems, so are more likely to get sick and experience more severe symptoms. In addition, people who are more sociable are less likely to get sick. If you are run down or stressed, try to incorporate some relaxation techniques into your life. If you remain relaxed, your immune system produces more of the chemicals needed to fight infection.

3. Stop smoking
Smokers are more prone to respiratory illness than nonsmokers, and experience more severe and frequent colds. This is because cigarette smoke dries out nasal passages and paralyzes the hairs that line the mucous membranes, which normally act to sweep viruses out of the nasal passages. Nonsmokers should take care to avoid secondhand smoke.

4. Exercise regularly
Regular exercise, particularly cardiovascular exercise, helps keeps you fit and gives your immune system a boost, enabling it to function more effectively. Exercise can increase the number of virus-killing cells in your body. It may not prevent all infections, but it can speed up recovery and reduce the intensity of symptoms.
However, heavy exercise is not recommended. Don’t overdo it if you are suffering from a cold or flu, as this can exacerbate your illness. Moderate exercise (e.g. walking) can help alleviate some of the cold symptoms.

5. Regulate humidity
Other ways to avoid catching a cold are to ensure your house is not overheated, and to increase the humidity by using cool mist humidifiers or vaporizers. The low humidity created by heating dries out the mucous membranes of the nasal passages, making you more vulnerable to infection. Low humidity also provides an environment that encourages viruses to survive and thrive. Make sure you go out and get fresh air to counteract the drying effects of indoor heating.

Be Well,

© Lynn Cremona 2012, all rights reserved.

The information on this Web site is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care.